All About the Stock Market: New Elective Course Gets Students Excited about Investing
Each year, LuHi offers a variety of elective courses for our high school students. When students enter 10th grade, their schedule opens up to allow them choose elective classes that are not part of the academic core. Students can pursue courses that align with their passions and interests, or can choose something that is completely new and unfamiliar!
This year, a few new electives have emerged, and our students are really excited about them. This week, we highlight our Introduction to the Stock Market course.
Introduction to the Stock Market is taught by Dr. Rudder Jenkins, a faculty member in the Social Studies department. Dr. Jenkins shared that he proposed this course last year, and is excited that it is running this year. He said, “The course really came about from my own personal experience. I enjoy teaching about things that I’m interested in. And, stock market and investing is something that is immensely practical for students to learn about. We are doing children a disservice by not teaching them more practical things about being adults.”
During the semester-long course, students will learn a basic overview of the stock market, as well as financial instruments and terminology. They also will have the opportunity to explore things that interest them in the context of this course. Dr. Jenkins shared, “The main project for the course is a semester-long investment portfolio. Each student will receive an account with $100k and will have the opportunity to invest that money into stocks they have researched.”
The students have really enjoyed this course so far. Dr. Jenkins said that his students find him in the halls to discuss how their portfolio is performing. In addition, students have requested a co-curricular activity that focuses on stocks and investing, so Dr. Jenkins is now advising the Stock Club.
Electives like Introduction to the Stock Market prepare students to be educated leaders for the future, which is part of LuHi’s vision. In the coming weeks, we’ll share more about LuHi elective courses that are running this semester.