Performing Arts
Students can choose from Band, Orchestra, Choir, or Dance. Our Performing Arts classes are scheduled during the school day, and students take weekly lessons to improve their skills. Twice a year, the Performing Arts groups have formal performances: The Christmas Concerts in December, and the Fine Arts Festival in May.
Students in the Middle School Concert Band and the High School Symphonic Band work to increase their ability to perform on their instruments. They are instructed in musical concepts, vocabulary, and different musical styles, which in turn enhance their creative output in class. They become aesthetically sensitive and better appreciative of the gift of music. The students will be encouraged as individual players, which will improve the performance of the group. Each band performs in both the Christmas Concert and the Fine Arts Festival, and students can choose to participate in Jazz Ensemble, which meets after school.

The Middle and High School String Orchestra program actively engages in the creation and performance of orchestral music, thereby exposing students to orchestral music of varied genres and periods. This course is treated as a professional ensemble; therefore, the students’ musical vocabulary and appreciation for music will grow. Additionally, each student participates in all school concerts and pursues private lessons on their orchestra instrument. Students can choose to participate in Chamber Ensemble, an after-school performance group, in addition to their orchestra classes and lessons.
In our Middle and High School Choir program, students study a variety of music, both sacred and secular, from different periods of music history. Attention is given to fundamentals of music, rhythm reading, and vocal techniques. In addition, student also look at the music of today. Students perform at our school chapel services, as well as our Christmas concert and Fine Arts Festival. In addition, students can elect to join the Choral Performance Troupe, a group that performs at local churches, festivals, and has even taken the stage at Carnegie Hall.

Students who participate in dance will have the opportunity to acquire a comprehensive knowledge of dance as an art form. Students will learn and refine dance skills and techniques in class and in performance, study the historical and cultural significance of dance and its evolution as an art form, evaluate personal work and the work of others. Students perform during our chapel services, as well as the annual Christmas Spectacular and our Spring Dance Showcase – featuring dances choreographed by LuHi students. Dance is available to both Middle and High School students, starting in 7th grade. Middle School students have the option to take Dance to fulfill their Physical Education requirement, while High School students can choose Dance as an elective or to fulfill their Arts requirement