Mr. Charles Beers Receives Award for Years of Service
At our commencement ceremony on Saturday, June9, a special Pro Deo et Schola award was presented to Mr. Charlie Beers, in honor of his 42 years of service to LuHi.
Respected as a knowledgeable, dynamic, and fair teacher with high expectations, Mr. Beers enjoyed all aspects of English – literature, composition, vocabulary, and grammar – and approached all with the same degree of enthusiasm. It was in teaching American Literature to 11th graders that Mr. Beers made memorable marks on his students, highlighted by the annual instruction of his favorite novel, The Great Gatsby.
Erin Storck ’15 introduced Mr. Beers at the ceremony, sharing memories of her time as his student. She also shared what she referred to as Mr. Beers’ “party trick” – his ability to remember each and every former student, the activities they were involved in, and where they sat in Room 208!
In his speech, he thanked his wife, Susan, and his son, Charles, for their support over the years. He also praised his former colleagues: “If you think your myriad of talents are replaceable, you would be sadly mistaken. It’s always been a privilege for me to work alongside you.” Finally, Mr. Beers referenced The Great Gatsby when reflecting on his time at LuHi: “Gatsby may have failed in his quest for the green light, but I didn’t. I found my green light – right here.”
Congratulations, “old sport”! To watch a video of the full presentation, click the link below!