Sports and Society
Each year, LuHi offers a variety of elective courses for our high school students. When students enter 10th grade, their schedule opens up to allow them choose elective classes that are not part of the academic core. Students can pursue courses that align with their passions and interests, or can choose something that is completely new and unfamiliar!
This year, a few new electives have emerged, and our students are really excited about them. This week, we highlight our newest offering: Sports and Society.
Sports and Society is a semester-long elective course taught by Ms. Tesia Harris. Ms. Harris also teaches the popular Sports Management elective in the fall semester. She shared, “In this elective you will examine the development of sports through various historical perspectives. There’s an emphasis on helping students gain a better understanding of the inner relationship that sports have on social, economic, cultural, and political forces that are at work in the United States as well as the world. Students will examine the historical context as well as the significance of gender, race, ethnicity and social class through readings, primary sources, guest speakers and visual materials as well as class discussions.”
Ms. Harris shared that she is looking forward to discussing current issues in society and the impact and role of sport in America throughout the semester. Guest speakers and class discussions are some ways that the students will engage with the content. Griseld ’22 shared that she was intrigued by the title of the course when elected to enroll. So far, she said, “I’ve learned about Black pioneers in sports, and about the mental health issues that athletes go through.” Jayden ’23 agreed, saying “I learned that professional athletes go through the same things as we do.” When asked if students should take this class, Griseld stated, “I would definitely recommend this class. It helps you learn many new things about sports that you wouldn’t have known, and also the teacher Ms. Harris is so sweet!”