Mr. Doug Raba

LuHi Role: Teacher (English), English Department Co-Chair, joined the LuHi Faculty in 2014

Education: Concordia College (2001), BA in English (Magna cum Laude, Literature Appreciation Award, Writing Across the Curriculum Scholarship); Fordham University (2011), MS Teaching of Adolescence English

What I love about my role: I love watching kids connect their own life experience to the people and cultures we read about in literature, realizing or coming closer to the realization that while every person and society is unique and worth appreciating, they all share commonalities that enable them to relate to one another.

Hobbies: I play music (mostly guitar). I also love to experience the outdoors through hiking, biking, kayaking with my family.

Family: My wife and two daughters keep me laughing at meal times and keep me moving on the trail and in the water.

What I love about LuHi: The community at this school is pretty amazing. I’m most impressed by how the student body as a whole celebrates each individual member of the community.